Today we begin the final push towards the APHG exam on May 12 @ 8 a.m. Given that many schools are in the midst of AIR testing and several other schedule changes, you will be given a fair amount of flexibility. You will-every day-record on the sheet provided to you what piece of the exam review you completed. This, along with other in class review assessments, will comprise the remainder of your 4q grade. I will not strictly be on the regular M/W, T/R schedule but will be floating and moving about. Remember, no matter what you do each day, it must be recorded on your EXAM REVIEW SHEET . OPTION 1 Kahoot! Play and APHG Kahoot! either in split-screen mode as 1 one player or against a group of others in class. Simply search APHG or AP Human Geography in Public Kahoots and select any of the published Kahoots. They DO NOT have to be one that I have created And I've added a competitive piece to the process... MAY MADNESS OPTION 2 Quizlet...